Thursday, September 27, 2012


     The novel, Lolita, by Vladimir Nabokov is a very unique novel. The premise of the story is about pedophilia and an incestuous relationship. Though the topic is so taboo to American audiences, yet, why do critics regard this as a great piece of literature?

     The way the novel is written is very unique one. The author writes that another ficticous author is transcribing the work of an author belonging in that fictional world. The presentation of the text softens the severity of the situation. The audience is receiving a bias side of the story from the pedophile whom is also the author.  Perhaps this is the genius in the novel. By being able to read a sincerely written novel by a mad man, it challenges the audience to pondeer deeply about the morality of the situations presented in the book.

     Morality , by definition, is conformity to the rules of right conduct. The pedophilic main character performs many acts that are unmoral. Through out the novel, he creates excuses like “ she seduced me to have sex” or “sex for children is like play” to justify his actions.  The novel was a very long one but for an effective purpose. The character of Humbert is presented as a complex one, whom isn’t immediately described as a villain. The audience is shown his progression in his psychology, which leads him to reveal that he is commiting  villainous actions. The novel presents a fair playing field for the audience to have not only the facts, but also, the psychology of the pedophile.

     With understanding both sides, I can state that the choices Humbert made were gravely morally wrong. Perhaps Humbert’s choices were rooted in his personal life issues stemming from childhood, but he caused the physical and spiritual death of many people. His obsession is also a selfishness that he succumbed to. That obsession  resulted in his downfall.

     Humbert’s relationships seemed to all have been without true emotion and he was merely using people as tools. His relationship with his first wife was ruined with his lust for his so called “ nymphets”. His mind and passion was else where, leaving his wife with a husk of a man.  

     His next wife was a mere pawn so that he could have a chance at becoming closer in attempt to be sexually intimate of her daughter. When Ms. Haze found and read his diary, she was blinded by sadness, ultimately accidentally killing herself.  And Lolita herself was the tool in which Humbert could satisfy his cravings rooted in his early childhood.

     The trips that Humbert made with Lolita in an attempt to explore and see America “did not do America justice.” They were just escapades to satisfy his sexual tool and appetite. There is no morality in this man's heinous acts. He fondels a child and then claims and wishes that she doesnt mind. His motives are driven from his selfishness. His acts are blind and ruthless. Humbert has a distorted view of himself throughout the novel often times placing him as the innocent victim.  Though I pity the man, I cannot forgives his terrible deeds.

      I thought as a work of literature itself, the novel Lolita was a very interesting one. It moves out of the norm allowing the audience to peer into the mind of a psycho path. Content wise, I was left feeling disgusted and angry. Thank goodness this is a work of creative fiction.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Magician's Screenplay

From attempting to transcribe a part of a novel into a screen play, i find many difficulties in explaining the thoughts of the characters. Their thoughts have to be given through their body language and the way they are described delivering their speech. There is less of a psychological read on a character through words but the audience can piece together the meanings through the character's actions and personality in delivery of their dialogue. This was an interesting assignment.



The edge of the great lawn depicted as a sea of snow before the outskirts of the woods in the middle of the night lit by the moon.

                                                                                                            DISSOLVE TO:
QUENTIN, a 17 year old lanky boy who recently discovered of his knack for magical powers currently cramming for exams for acceptance into the second year at Brakebill’s college.

ALICE, an 18 year old girl whom appears younger than she looks is a natural at casting magic. She is also cramming for exams for acceptance into the second year of her studies at  Brakebills College

(Standing before the woods with Alice, Quentin speaking)

So where did you come through?

(Standing before the woods with Quentin, Alice speaking and gesturing towards a stretch in the woods)

Over there.When I came, I walked here? I wasn’t Invited?
(voice becomes wobbly)

I had a brother who went here. I always wanted to come, too, but they never Invited me. After a while I was getting too old, so I ran away. I’d been waiting and waiting for an Invitation and it never came. I knew I’d already missed the first year. I’m a year older than you, you know.
“You slept in the woods? Like on the ground?”
“I know, I should have brought a tent. Or something. I don’t know what I was thinking, I was just hysterical.”
(with concern in his voice)
“What about your brother? He couldn’t let you in?”

(Cold empty voice)
“He died.”
Alice,this doesn’t make any sense. You do realize you’re the smartest person in our class?”
(Alice shruggs off the compliment with one shoulder, staring fiercely up at the House.)
So you just walked in? What did they do?
They couldn’t believe it. Nobody’s supposed to be able to find the House by themselves. They thought it was just an accident, but it’s so obvious there’s old magic here, tons of it. This whole place is wild with it—if you look at it through the right spells, it lights up like a forest fire.
They must have thought I was a homeless person. I had twigs in my hair. I’d been crying all night. Professor Van der Weghe felt sorry for me. She gave me coffee and let me take the entrance Exam all by myself. Fogg didn’t want to let me, but she made him.
And you passed. I still don’t get it, Why didn’t you get Invited like the rest of us?
(Alice doesn’t respond. There are tears building up in her eyes. Quentin catches a glimpse of it twinkling as it catches the moonlight rolling down her eyes.)
(With warmth)
Hey what does it matter? You’re here now.
(He reaches towards Alice’s face and proceeds to wipe the tears off her face with his woolen gloved finger.
Alice  turns around, her back facing Quentin.

She shudders and hugs herself in the cold standing before the shadow of a large tree.
Quentin comes up from behind and awkwardly puts an arm around her.
Alice turns around and hugs Quentin.)
Startled, Quentin hugs back.
“Well, I’m glad you’re here now, however you got here,”
Alice leans into Quentin.

Come on, let’s get back before Fogg really does get pissed. And we’ve got an exam tomorrow. You don’t want to be too tired to enjoy it.”
The quickly walk back to the building under the harsh light of the moon.


Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wizard of Oz

     Wizard of Oz is an American classic which tells of a magical adventure. The novel has managed to move and influence modern society through its memorable story and characters. Regardless of when it was written, the themes and meanings  are universal, in which, the audiences of any generation can easily empathasize with.

     The structure of the novel depicts a the classic heroes’ journey is retold through the experiences of a brave young heroine named Dorothy who is whisked away into the fantasy world of Oz. The protagonists and antagonists are clearly described.  We know who to root for and who to scorn. Key "good" characters like the beautiful witch, the brainless scare crow, the heartless tin man, and the coward lion assist in guiding her as well as becomes catalysts for Dorothy's character growth throughout the story. Upon reaching the end, Dorothy comes to realize that her destination, rather than her goal has taught her valuable lessons. Moments of doubt, courage, and triumph are embedded in her journey keeping the audience on thier toes.  The story of Wizard of Oz 's structure has kept it a timeless classic. Its success paved the way for many films in the post generations.

     The film had assisted in exploring new boundaries in filmmaking. The mass gathering of "munchkins" no doubt inspired, films like willow and charlie and the chocolate factory. The idea of gathering large groups of midgets to perform was such a robust idea.

     There has been a movie adaptation as well as consecutive spin off novels. Even some of the songs from the movie like the famous ballad “Over the rainbow” have been even rereleased by other artists. The song is rated number one of the “Song of the Century list compiled by the Recording Industry Association of America.

     In current media, Sony Image works is currently working on “Oz the great and powerful” expanding on the origins of the wizard Oz. When the movie is released, no doubt spin off games and possibly merchandise will continue to  inspire the young and old generation with its characters and charm.